Setup Instructions


Instead of creating HTML files, you simply create one or more *.md files in the build/slides folder. A server is required in order to use RayVeal properly...since the markdown files have to be loaded dynamicaly, so upload the contents of the build folder to a server.

Installing Locally (optional)

Optionally, you can just run the presentation locally (great when you can't guarantee a network connection), There's a live preview server provided.

  1. Grab/Fork from repo
  2. build folder has presentation
  3. build/slides/ subfolder has sample markdown
  4. slides/index.json has a list of presentations (optional)

Running locally

  1. Run $ npm install from your terminal
  2. Edit build/slides/ or add *.md files
  3. Run $ npm start from your terminal
  4. Generates the build/slides/index.json file (index)
  5. Creates a live reload server

Pre-installed libraries

Pre-installed libraries like Font Awesome will let you easily add icons to your presentation, while a lightweight version of bootstrap, which you can customize for your own needs, lets you use things like buttons, table, cards, list-groups and form styles if you need them. You can customize what's included with an npm run bootstrap-light command.

If you want to control what gets included in the bootstrap-light.css file, you can edit the src/bootstrap-light/scss/bootstrap.scss file.

Pre-installed plugins

There are lots of great reveal.js plugins and I added the awesome menu plugin, so that you can hit the m key and get a list of your presentations.